


Increase product value through thoughtful user experiences (and branding)

Increase product value through thoughtful user experiences (and branding)

Increase product value through thoughtful user experiences (and branding)

Image from Lino Khim Medrina on Pexels

As technology becomes more accessible, the barrier to entry for offering specific goods or services is lowering. However, many businesses fall in love with a concept or idea without considering the context of who they are building for and how their target users will interact with their product. To create a successful product, it's essential to understand your audience and craft user experiences that align with their needs and preferences.

Identifying Your Target Audience

To make informed decisions about your product, consider your target audience through multiple lenses. Analyze their demographics, such as age, occupation, and familiarity with software. Identify your unique selling proposition and how it aligns with the value your target users seek in their lives.

Developing User Personas

Create user personas based on your target audience and total addressable market (TAM). Identify the types of individuals who impact different areas of the customer lifecycle, such as decision-makers, purchasers, and software managers. Address each persona's needs across your marketing and product offerings. If you lack solid data, make educated guesses to test your hypotheses and adjust as needed.

Understanding User Decision-Making

Dive deeper into your users' psychographics, the traits that influence their decision-making process. Consider the following factors:

  1. Values: Understand your users' sense of right and wrong and how they believe software should perform and provide value in their lives.

  2. Beliefs: Identify your audience's opinions, attitudes, and worldview. Develop a brand that harmonizes with their core beliefs.

  3. Passion: Determine what drives your target users and create connections through visuals, voice, tone, and terminology. Consider their willingness to invest in value and craft an experience that blends their interest level and expectations.

  4. Lifestyle: Learn about your target market's spending patterns, relationships, and purchasing power to inform ad targeting, product pricing, and more.

  5. Personalities: Use the five-factor model (O.C.E.A.N.) to understand your users' openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Aligning Brand and Product

By considering these foundational elements, your team can move from falling in love with problems to simplifying how your offering removes problems for users. Developing intuition based on available data points and making educated guesses can help you create a mutually beneficial exchange between your brand and your audience.

Dogfooding and Testing User Journeys

To ensure a seamless user experience, encourage your team to use your own products (dogfooding) and test end-to-end user journeys multiple times. Understanding the experience from your audience's perspective can make the difference between adding a feature and producing a game-changer for your users.


Increasing product value through user-centric experiences and branding requires a deep understanding of your target audience. By identifying user personas, understanding their decision-making process, and aligning your brand and product with their needs and preferences, you can create a successful product that resonates with your users and drives long-term value.

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